sequenceDiagram accTitle: Diagram showing the workflow for a SMART on FHIR EHR launch %%{init:{'sequence':{'messageFontSize': 30, 'actorFontSize': 30}}}%% participant A as localhost:3000/launch.html participant B as participant C as localhost:3000/index.html participant D as FHIR Server B ->> B: Launch triggered via test website B ->> A: Launch requested A ->> B: Authorization request B ->> B: Dummy provider log-in and patient selection B ->> C: Authorization granted C ->> B: Access token request B -->> C: Access token response C ->> D: Request Patient D -->> C: Response with Patient JSON C ->> D: Request MedicationRequests D -->> C: Response with MedicationRequest JSON
SMART on FHIR Workshop
A video recording is forthcoming.
Other slide formats
Running the sample app
- Download or clone
- Open in VSCode (or your editor of choice)
- Start a local web server (e.g. VSCode Live Preview extension)
- Verify you can open
in your browser (it looks like this)- Note that you may need to replace
with the port that your local web server runs on - If you use the browser-based backup option, the web server will appear in one of the panels in the browser-based editor
- Note that you may need to replace
Working with the sample app is discussed during the workshop.
SMART EHR Launch workflow
The diagram below appears in the slides, but may be easier to see on this page.