Introduction to FHIR Bulk Data

National Institutes of Health (NIH), Office of the Director (OD), Office of Data Science Strategy (ODSS)

June 13, 2023

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What is FHIR Bulk Data?

From the spec:

Providers and organizations accountable for managing the health of populations often need to efficiently access large volumes of information on a group of individuals. For example, a health system may want to periodically retrieve updated clinical data from an EHR to a research database

Why do we need FHIR Bulk Data?

From the spec:

Existing FHIR APIs work well for accessing small amounts of data, but large exports can require hundreds of thousands of requests.

FHIR Bulk Data provides a simpler, standard mechanism to extract large amounts of FHIR-format data from an EHR.

Why now?

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC)’s Health IT Certification Program requires adoption of FHIR Bulk Data APIs:

Aside: EHI export

ONC’s program also requires population-level data export (“EHI export”):

Vendor support

  • Widespread vendor support for FHIR Bulk Data export of groups of patients thanks to December 2022 ONC certification deadline

  • List of vendors with §170.315(g)(10) certification:

    • Filter for Certification Criteria → 2015 Cures Update Certification Criteria → 170.315 (G)(10): Standardized Api for Patient and Population Services (Cures Update)
  • Examples: Epic, Cerner

FHIR Bulk Data specifications

Implementations use these specs:

Types of Bulk Data requests

  • Patient, to obtain resources related to all Patients

  • Group, to obtain resources associated with a particular Group

  • System, to obtain all resources, whether or not they are associated with a patient

High level FHIR Bulk Data request steps

  1. Get an access token from the FHIR server
  2. Request: GET[id]/$export
  3. Receive the requested FHIR data (“NDJSON” format)
    • Can be split into multiple files by the server to support arbitrarily large data sets

Characteristics of research that may benefit from FHIR Bulk Data

  • Need for direct access to (identified) EHR data for a specific group of patients

  • The necessary data elements are part of USCDI, or otherwise included in EHR’s FHIR implementation

  • Real-time access is not needed (other FHIR APIs are better for this)

  • One-off data pull or regular updates

  • Multi-site research without existing shared CDM

Non-EHR uses of FHIR Bulk Data

From this FHIR DevDays 2022 presentation: